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    All-Russian Sports Federations


    Federation of Sports Journalists of Russia

    President: Nikolai DOLGOPOLOV

    127994, Moscow, Dolgorukovskaya str., 27

    +7 (499) 257-59-70+7 (499) 257-53-82


    Federation of Physical Culture and Sport for Persons with Physical Disabilities of Russia

    Chairman of the Council: Boris IVANYUZHENKOV
    President: Andrey STROKIN

    +7 (499) 922-11-93 (phone/fax)www.fpoda.paralymp.ru

    Russian Blind Sport Federation

    President: Lydia ABRAMOVA

    Moscow, New square, 14

    +7 (495) 623-90-66 (phone/fax)www.fss.org.ru

    Russian Deaf Sport Federation

    President: Valeriy RUKHLEDEV

    10100, Moscow, Turgenevskaya square, 2

    +7 (499) 995-11-26 (phone/fax)www.osfsg.ru


    Russian Association for Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation of Sick and Disabled Persons

    President: Boris POLYAEV

    1117869, Moscow, Ostrovityanova str., 1

    +7 (495) 434-57-92+7 (495) 936-90-40www.sportmed.ru