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    Russian Olympic summer sports federations, associations and unions


    All-Russian Association of Summer Olympic Sports

    President: Vasily TITOV

    119270, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, office No. 336

    +7 (495) 637-94-36valovs@valovs.ruwww.valovs.ru

    National Badminton Federation of Russia

    President: Andrey ANTROPOV

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, office No. 411

    +7 (495) 637-92-04+7 (495) 637-92-04+7 (495) 637-92-03+7 (495) 637-92-04 (fax)infobadm@yandex.ruwww.badm.ru

    Russian Basketball Federation

    President: Andrey KIRILENKO

    119270, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, office No. 52

    +7 (495) 639-99-85office@russiabasket.ru

    Russian Baseball Federation

    President: Dmitry KISELEV

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, office No. 201

    +7 (495) 725-45-49+7 (916) 993-69-18office@baseballrussia.ruwww.baseballrussia.ru

    Boxing Federation of Russia

    Chairman of the Supreme Supervisory Council: Aleksei RUBEZHNOY

    Secretary General: Aleksandr BESPUTIN

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, office No. 262а

    +7 (495) 637-07-42+7 (495) 637-07-42 (fax)reception@rusboxing.ruwww.rusboxing.ru

    Russian Wrestling Federation

    President: Mikhail MAMIASHVILI

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, office No. 400

    +7 (495) 725-47-41 (President office)+7 (495) 247-01-01 (President office)+7 (495) 725-46-21 (Executive management)+7 (495) 725-47-35 (Wrestling)+7 (495) 725-47-12 (Greco-Roman wrestling)+7 (495) 725-47-42 (Female wrestling)+7 (499) 255-21-01 (fax)President@wrestrus.ru

    Russian Cycling Federation

    President: Iurii KUCHERAVYIi

    117209, Moscow, Sevastopolsky Prospekt, 28, Bldg. 1

    +7 (495) 782-42-14+7 (495) 782-42-15 (fax)cycling@fvsr.rupr@fvsr.ru (for mass media)www.fvsr.ru

    Volleyball Federation of Russia

    President: Stanislav SHEVCHENKO

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, office No. 370

    +7 (495) 637-00-00+7 (495) 637-00-73+7 (495) 637-09-71+7 (495) 637-01-95 (fax)vfv@volley.ruwww.volley.ru

    Handball Federation of Russia

    Chairman of the Supreme Council: Sergey SHISHKAREV

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, office No. 441

    +7 (495) 637-09-21+7 (495) 725-47-21+7 (495) 247-10-38 (fax)info@rushandball.ruwww.rushandball.ru

    The Russian Gymnastics Federation

    President: Oleg BELOZEROV

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, office No. 431

    +7 (495) 637-06-42+7 (495) 637-09-22 (fax)rusgymnastics@mail.rusportgymrus.ru

    Russian Golf Association

    President: Viktor KHRISTENKO

    119991, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, offices 242 “a”, 378

    +7 (495) 725-47-19+7 (495) 363-23-85+7 (495) 363-23-85 (fax)info@rusgolf.ruwww.rusgolf.ru

    Russian Rowing Federation

    President: Alexey SVIRIN

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, offices No. 442, 444

    +7 (495) 374-66-49info@fgsr.rupress@fgsr.ruwww.rowingrussia.ru

    Russian Canoe Federation

    President: Evgeniy ARKHIPOV

    121552, Moscow, Krylatskaya street, 2, building 2, 2nd floor

    +7 (495) 989-15-58

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, office No. 419

    +7 (495) 725-47-25 (phone/fax)office@kayak-canoe.ruwww.kayak-canoe.ru

    Russian Judo Federation

    President: Sergei SOLOVEICHIK

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, office No. 272

    +7 (495) 637-06-95+7 (495) 995-10-97 (fax)fdr@judo.ruwww.judo.ru

    Russian Karate Federation

    President: Sergey TSOY

    117418, Moscow, Novocheremushkinskaya str., 44, bld.1, office No. 215

    +7 (915) 042-13-58+7 (926) 605-62-79office@ruswkf.ruwww.ruswkf.ru

    Equestrian Federation of Russia

    President: Marina SECHINA

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, offices No. 426, 417

    +7 (985) 223-41-17+7 (495) 725-47-15 (fax)info@fksr.ruwww.fksr.ru

    Russian Athletics

    President: Petr FRADKOV

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, offices No. 406, 408, 410, 412, 414, 416

    +7 (495) 637-94-20 +7 (495) 725-46-42 +7 (495) 725-46-43 (Teams department)+7 (495) 725-46-41 (fax)rusaf@rusathletics.info

    Russian Yachting Federation

    President: Sergey DZHIENBAYEV

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, offices No. 446, 448

    +7 (495) 637-03-55+7 (495) 637-09-05 (fax)info@vfps.ruvfps@yandex.ruwww.vfps.ru

    Russian Squash Federation

    President: Artem Buslaev

    109145, Moscow, Privolnaya St., 2, building 5

    +7 (495) 789-05-01info@russiansquash.rurussiansquash.ru

    Russian Aquatic Sports Federarion

    President: Dmitrii MAZEPIN

    119992 Office 434, 8 Luzhnetskaya Embankment, Moscow

    +7 (495) 637-01-67(phone/fax)office@russwimming.ruwww.russwimming.ru

    Rugby Union of Russia

    President: Igor ARTEMIEV

    123242, Moscow, Sadovo-Kudrinskaya str., 11

    +7 (495) 150-87-78info@rugby.rurugby.ru

    Russian Modern Pentathlon Federation

    President: Vyacheslav AMINOV

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, office No. 418

    +7 (495) 637-01-38+7 (495) 725-47-22 (phone/fax)pentathlonfeder@mail.ruwww.pentathlon-russia.ru

    Russian Archery Federation

    President: Zorigto MANKHANOV

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, office No. 266

    +7 (495) 725-46-91 (phone/fax)info@archery.ruarchery.ru

    Russian Shooting Union

    President: Anna LESHCHIKOVA

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, office No. 425

    +7 (495) 221-30-05+7 (495) 221-30-07 (fax)shooting@shooting-russia.ruwww.shooting-russia.ru

    Russian Tennis Federation

    President: Shamil TARPISCHEV

    101000, Moscow, Myasnitskaya St., 22/2/5, building 1

    +7 (495) 232-13-80+7 (495) 232-13-83+7 (495) 624-64-27 (fax)avor@russport.ru max.kozin@russport.ruwww.tennis-russia.ru

    The Table Tennis Federation of Russia

    President: Alexander BABAKOV

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, office No. 233 “a”

    +7 (495) 725-47-09+7 (495) 637-05-39+7 (495) 637-03-86 (fax)ttfr@ttfr.ruwww.ttfr.ru

    Climbing Federation of Russia

    President: Dmitriy BYCHKOV

    119991, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, office No. 242 “a”

    +7 (495) 725-47-04 (phone/fax)+7 (495) 517-87-22 (Executive secretary)info@rusclimbing.ruoffice@rusclimbing.rurusclimbing.ru

    Russian Softball Federation

    President: Viacheslav SMAGIN

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8

    +7 (495) 725-45-56+7 (495) 725-45-43 (President)+7 (495) 725-45-56 (fax)softballrussian@mail.ruwww.softballrussian.ru

    Russian Triathlon Federation

    President: Ksenia SHOYGU

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, offices No. 205, 207, 209

    +7 (495) 725-46-74+7 (495) 637-94-35 (office)office@rustriathlon.rurustriathlon.ru

    Russian Taekwondo  Union

    President: Anatoly TEREKHOV

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, office No. 428 “a”
    +7 (495) 637-06-28+7 (495) 725-47-08 (fax)tkd@roc.ru tkdrussia@mail.ru tkd.rtu@gmail.com www.tkdrussia.ru

    The Russian Weightlifting Federation

    President: Dmitrii VASILENKO

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, office No. 432

    +7 (495) 725-47-23 (phone/fax)+7 (495) 637-06-29 (phone/fax)info@rfwf.ruwww.rfwf.ru

    Russian Fencing Federation

    President: Ilgar MAMEDOV

    119992, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, offices No. 204, 206, 208

    +7 (495) 645-10-06+7 (495) 637-04-30 (fax)info@rusfencing.ruwww.rusfencing.ru

    Football Union of Russia

    President: Aleksandr DYUKOV

    115172, Moscow, Narodnaya str., 7

    +7 (495) 926-13-00+7 (495) 926-13-05 (fax)info@rfs.ruwww.rfs.ru

    Russian Hockey Federation

    President: Anton MOROZ

    119991, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8
    119270, Moscow, Khamovnichesky Val str., 2, OPS No. 270/45 (for mailing)+7 (495) 637-01-03+7 (495) 637-07-84 (fax)office@fhtr.ruwww.fhtr.ru

    Russian surfing federation

    President: Alexander WEINSTEIN


    123317, Moscow, Presnenskaya nab., 8/1, «City-Capital» (block Spb, 6 floor)

    +7 (916) 999-11-34info@surffederation.comwww.surffederation.com


    Russian skateboarding federation

    President: Ilya VDOVIN


    119991, Moscow, 119991, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya nab., 8, building 1, room 447

    +7 (495) 641-51-77info@fedskate.ruwww.fedskate.ru

    All-Russian Federation of Dance Sports, Breaking and Acrobatic Rock and Roll

    President: Nadejda ERASTOVA

    129272, Moscow, Soviet army str., 6

    +7 (495) 787-27-70info@fdsarr.ruwww.vftsarr.ru